Thursday, April 21, 2011

And other fat thoughts indeed

Welcome, if you're here it is a good chance that you are a close friend and that is how you found your way. Now this idea cannot be new, hell it has probably been done to death (having to call the site r-u-donewiththat, instead of areyoudonewith that means someone else actually thought of this name first..haven't checked out their site yet though), I am just yet one more big person in a line of big persons to do something like this. Now my goal here is to drag the "big" out of every one. We have all had that thought, maybe it is because of size, or maybe its something like exhaustion, laziness, boredom, hunger etc, but the fact is.... we have all had "that" thought.

So gentle onlookers I ask you brave folk to step forward and send me your "Fat Thoughts". My goal is to doodle, sketch and create what is on the tip of everyone's tongue.

Enjoy- and welcome- and to my friends, those of you who were sitting at that table at the moment of creation- Thank you...and are you going to finish that?
